College Accommodations
Do Colleges Have to Approve Course Substitutions for Students with Disabilities?
“Section 504 says colleges *may* make substitutions, but it doesn’t mandate that they do. What do I mean?”
Encourage College-Bound Students To Register for Disability Accommodations
“The only people who need to know they have accommodations are the people who’ll be involved in them, like professors. But professors have no right to know what students’ disability is, and it’s unlikely that the disability services office will tell them.”
Colleges Don’t Follow IEPs or 504 Plans
“It just means that they don’t have any obligation to provide the same services and accommodations that students may have received before.”
College Math and Foreign Language Requirements: What High School Students with Disabilities Should Know
“This means that not taking these courses in high school may limit college choices down the road.”
Can Students Without High School IEPs or 504 Plans Get College Accommodations?
“Colleges’ disability services (DS) offices vary in their approach to documentation (meaning paperwork students provide to show they have a disability.)”
Are Disability Accommodations Available at All Colleges?
“If you are thinking that highly-selective schools with very low acceptance rates don’t have to provide accommodations because they serve very academically advanced students, that’s not true. If you’re thinking schools that don’t charge a lot of money don’t have to provide accommodations because they’re taking less money from students, that’s not true, either.”
Are Assignment Deadline Extensions a Commonly Approved Disability Accommodation at College?
“Think about it this way – we give extended time on in-class tests because the impacts/limitations of the student’s disability would preclude the opportunity for the student to produce the same level and amount of response as his/her classmates in a given amount of time. All students have a limited time to produce their answers, and this student’s disability means that additional time will be needed. Since there is no additional time available in a two-hour exam period, this student needs to be formally granted an extended time limit to have equal access.”
Myths About IEPs, 504 Plans, and College Accommodations
“While you won’t find a sentence…that says that this means colleges don’t have to follow students’ 504 plans, that is the effect.”
When College Disability Services Offices or Professors Say No to an Accommodation
“[sometimes] they aren’t found eligible for accommodations because [their documentation] doesn’t demonstrate…a substantial limitation…”
Don’t Make Assumptions From Online College Accommodation Lists for LD and ADHD
“..these accommodations are widely approved, but that doesn’t guarantee that every student who requests them will be approved for each one.”
Accommodations Alone Aren’t the Key To College Success For Students with Disabilities
“…if students don’t know understand what’s been discussed in class and covered in the readings, it doesn’t matter how much time they get to take the test. A lot should happen before students take a test.”
Moving From High School To College Accommodations: Changes in Vocabulary and Expectations
“[This] conveys the idea that [they] only “coordinate” accommodations…they will do things that might be expected of a ‘case manager.'”