College Admissions Advice
Does Contacting Disability Services Ruin Students’ College Admissions Chances?
“Presumably, people who advise students against contacting DS before they’re accepted assume that colleges wish to exclude students with disabilities. Anyone who says this is reflecting their own bias, i.e., they think that colleges view students with disabilities as undesirable.”
College Math and Foreign Language Requirements: What High School Students with Disabilities Should Know
“This means that not taking these courses in high school may limit college choices down the road.”
College Admission, Course Substitutions, and Graduation Requirements: What Students with Disabilities Should Know
“…no one should exempt a high school student from FL or math without talking to the student about the potential consequences.”
Myths About College Admissions and Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD
“if College X did collect [this data], they’d only know how many of the students they accepted (or didn’t) had said they had a disability.”