Long-term Assignment Planning Tools
Keeping on top of far-away deadlines can be a challenge in college.
Many students struggle to work on long-term papers or projects over time and end up doing them the night before they’re due. There’s no shame in that. But if you’re looking to try something new, there are tools to help.
Many college libraries offer helpful online “assignment calculators” that create a schedule you can follow. Here’s one that’s easy to use – https://digital.utsc.utoronto.ca/assignment-planner You plug in the date you’ll start, the date it’s due, and it gives you a schedule to follow. (You don’t have to use all of the steps it gives you, but you can choose the ones that make sense to you to follow.)
If that one doesn’t suit you, do a search using the terms “university assignment calculator” and see if you can find one you like better.
If you are a parent or professional who is interested in have students have a little experience thinking about what steps go into managing a long-term paper (before they use a tool like the one above), this free downloadable tool helps walks them through the steps involved in planning for something like that.