Free Annual College Transition Summit
Since 2022, Elizabeth C. Hamblet (a recognized authority on preparing students with disabilities for successful college transition) and her colleague Dr. Karen I. Wilson, founder of West LA Neuropsychology and ChildNEXUS and host of the popular Diverse Thinking, Different Learning podcast), have hosted a free online summit focused on preparing students with learning disabilities and ADHD for successful college transition.
Don’t miss the announcement for next year’s summit. Follow Elizabeth on socials, or subscribe to her free, twice-monthly newsletter.
If you missed this year’s summit, don’t wait for next year to get the crucial information you need to prepare students for successful college transition. Here are ways to learn about the topics it covered!
- College Admission: Learn what college admission deans, including Jeremiah Quinlan of Yale University, Keyana Scales (fomerly) of Xavier University, Gregory Moyer of Dickinson College, Sacha Thieme University of Indiana, and Mike Langford of Western Carolina University said about disability disclosure in the admissions process, how they think about students’ grades and ACT/SAT scores, classes they’ve taken, schools specializing in serving students with learning disabilities and ADHD, and more. Read Step 6 of Elizabeth book, Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities.
- Assistive Technology for College: Watch a free recorded webinar on assistive technology (AT) from Korey Singleton, Deputy ADA Coordinator for Accessibility and ATI Manager at George Mason University on Elizabeth’s Youtube channel (where you’ll also find a lot of other helpful information and see what AT specialists said about the importance of getting students ready to use AT in Elizabeth’s free blog.
- Preparing Students for Successful College Transition: Elizabeth is sought-after speaker on this topic. You can watch her two on-demand webinars now – both her overview of important topics (including laws in place, students’ responsibilities and rights, needed documentation, accommodations commonly approved, myths about disability and college admission, and explaining different levels of support) and her focused webinar detailing numerous accommodations not commonly approved (critical information for preparing students to adapt to the college environment. You can also hire Elizabeth to present for your school, district or group on a variety of related topics.
- Get Information From Disability Services Directors: For her book, Elizabeth interviewed directors about the accommodations they commonly approve or don’t and why, about what their processes in reviewing requests, what skills students need and which they often lack, and how parents and professionals can prepare students for a smooth transition. You can read some bonus book content or get a thorough education by reading Elizabeth’s book.
- Executive Functioning at College: In two Q&As, educational therapists Jenny Drennan (founder of We Thrive Learning), Ashley Harding (start of Northstar Academics), Rachel Kapp (founder of Kapp Educational Therapy) and Stephanie Pitts (founder of My Ed Therapist) talked to watch Elizabeth about how to develop these skills. You can watch them on Elizabeth’s free Youtube channel (and explore more videos there, too). You can also learn more about executive functioning skills and why they’re critical to college success in Step 3 of Elizabeth’s book.
2025 Schedule
10 AM – 10:10 AM EST
7 AM – 7:10 AM PST
Welcome by Dr. Karen I. Wilson, founder of ChildNEXUS and summit co-host
10:10-10:20 AM EST
7:10 AM – 7:20 AM PST
10:20-11:20 AM EST
7:20 AM – 8:20 AM PST
Q&A with College Admissions Directors
• Dr. Danielle Sims Brooks, Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Management, Wiley University
• Sacha Thieme, Assistant Vice Provost and Executive Director of Admissions, Indiana University, Bloomington
When students with disabilities are applying to college, they’re likely to hear a lot of different advice about what they should and shouldn’t do in their applications and how admissions offices handle information they submit. Submit your questions in advance or live during the panel and get answers from these experienced admissions directors.
11:20-11:30 AM EST
8:20 AM – 8:30 AM PST
11:30-12:30 AM EST
8:20 AM – 9:20 AM PST
Assistive Technology Supports to Support Success in College and Beyond
Speaker – Dr. Korey Singleton, Assistive Technology Initiative Manager and Adjunct Faculty in Learning Design and Technology, George Mason University
This session will discuss assistive technology software and devices available to support students with disabilities succeed in the post-secondary environment. The main focus will be on technology to support reading, writing, note-taking, planning and time management. The session will include and overview of selected technologies, brief demonstrations and strategies to effectively integrate technologies into everyday life as a college student.
12:30 PM -1:00 PM EST
9:30 AM – 10:00 PM PST
Long break
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
10:00AM – 11:00 AM PST
Preparing Students with Disabilities for Successful College Transition
Speaker – Elizabeth C. Hamblet, College Learning Disabilities Specialist, Speaker, and Author of Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities
The transition from high school is challenging for any high school student. For students with disabilities, it also presents a disability services system that is very different from the one they knew in high school. But with the proper preparation, students can enjoy success! Hamblet (a transition expert) explains the shift in relevant laws as students move to college, how the system for accommodations works there, what is commonly available, and some tips for how to help students find the right level of support.
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM EST
11:00 AM – 11:10 AM PST
2:10-3:10 PM EST
11:10 AM – 12:10 PM PST
Q&A with College Disability Services Directors
• Tomeiko Scott, Executive Director of Access and Compliance and 504/ADA Compliance Officer at University of Montevallo
• Spencer Scruggs, Director of the Center for Accessible Education at UCLA
• Alexa Taylor, Director of Disability Accommodations and Success Strategies at Southern Methodist University
• Marvin Williams, Director of Disability Resource Services, California State University, Stanislaus
After listening to Elizabeth C. Hamblet’s presentation, participants have a chance to ask experienced disability services directors may have more questions. This is your chance to hear directly from these professionals about how things work at their universities, find out what accommodations they do and don’t commonly approve, and more. Submit your questions in advance or live during the panel.
3:10 PM – 3:20 PM EST
12:10 PM – 12:20 PM PST
3:20-4:20 PM EST
12:20-1:20 PM PST
Discussion on Executive Functioning
- Dr. Karen Wilson
- Sam Young, Founder of Young Scholars Academy
The transition to college demands strong organizational skills and effective time management from all students. However, for students with learning differences impacting executive functioning, these challenges can feel even more significant. Join Clinical Neuropsychologist Dr. Karen Wilson and Sam Young, Head of School at Young Scholars Academy, for a discussion on the essential executive functioning skills required for college success. They will share practical strategies to empower college-bound students, ensuring they thrive academically and personally. Bring your questions – this interactive session will provide actionable solutions and guidance to support students on their journey to higher education
4:20 PM – 4:30 PM EST
1:20 PM – 1:30 PM PST
Giveaways and Closing
Dr. Karen Wilson will announce the giveaway winners and summarize the conference.
2025 Hosts & Summit Speakers
Did you miss this year’s summit?
Don’t miss your chance to sign up for the next one! Sign up for Elizabeth’s free twice-monthly newsletter and/or Dr. Wilson’s newsletter and follow them on social media to make sure you are among the first to know when registration opens.